Grapple Game
Thursday, Oct 14, 2021 | Update at Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021

Into Games hosted their first coding challenge. The theme was “Swing into Action”. By myself, I created Grapple Game to submit for the challenge.

Camera Movement

The games camera movement was created using Unity’s Cinemachine, this allowed me to quickly make a nice camera controller without having to do much coding.

The intro used a dolly track with camera and a simple script to transision through all the points.

The intro's camera track

And the third person camera used Cinemachine’s free look camera with the same sized top, middle and bottom rigs.

Cinemachine's free look camera rig around the player

Scene Loader

For the loading scene after pressing play, I was heavliy inspired by the loading scene from Human Fall Flat. Where when loading a level the players ragdoll would keep falling forever in the clouds and the next scene would load below them so they fall onto it.

The way I achived this was my having a SceneLoader class that had all the players ridigbodies stored in a list, then it would load the loading scene, move the game object and unload the main menu scene.

public static void LoadScene(Scenes scene) => _instance.LoadSceneRoutine(scene);

private void LoadSceneRoutine(Scenes scene)
    _targetScene = scene;
    SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync((int)Scenes.Loading, LoadSceneMode.Additive);

private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
    if (scene.buildIndex == (int)Scenes.Loading)
        SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(PlayerObject, scene);
        _currentScene = Scenes.Loading;
        SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync((int)_targetScene, LoadSceneMode.Additive);

    if (scene.buildIndex != (int)_targetScene)
    SceneManager.MoveGameObjectToScene(PlayerObject, scene);
    _currentScene = _targetScene;

Incase loading took longer than I expected, I add a max falling speed into the loading scene. This prevented slower loading time giving the player move speed into the level from the gravity.

private void FixedUpdate()
    if (_currentScene != Scenes.Loading)
    Vector3 velocity = _playerRB.velocity;
    if (velocity.y < -_maxFallSpeed)
        foreach (Rigidbody body in _rigidbodies)
            Vector3 speed = body.velocity;
            speed.y = -_maxFallSpeed;
            body.velocity = speed;

